3 Reasons Why Buying a Second Hand Car Makes Perfect Sense

Buying a Second Hand Car

If you are in the market for a change of wheels, you basically have two choices; either opt for a brand new car on finance, or choose a model that is a couple of years old. Of course, there are several benefits to buying a new vehicle, mainly that the car has never been used, so you can be sure it is in pristine condition in every respect, but this does come at quite a high cost, and choosing a 2 or 3-year old car is not only a lot cheaper, it is much cheaper. Here are 3 good reasons to resist the temptation to shell out on a brand new car, and settle for a used model instead.

  1. Value For Money – The second you drive a new car off the forecourt, you have already lost 15-20% of its value, yet buying a use model that is only a couple of years old is not only more affordable, the car would still be in excellent condition. There are some great deals to be had with second hand cars in Exeter, from an established and reputable used car dealer, and if they don’t have the make and model you want, they can soon source it on your behalf.
  2. Lower Payments – When looking to buy a used car from a dealer, the monthly repayments would be much less than with a new model, and after a couple of years, you will have paid off the loan.
  3. A Better Class of Vehicle – As second hand cars are much cheaper than new models, you can upgrade to a prestige car and the monthly repayments will be so much more affordable.

Once you have decided to go for a second hand car, take your time and choose wisely, and you should have a few years of trouble-free motoring and when you sell the car, you won’t lose much on the value.