Consequences of Driving Under the Influence


If you are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), you will likely lose your license and have to take a defensive driving class. In addition, your substance use patterns will be examined. You may be ordered to enroll in a drug treatment program, which could range from a support group to an inpatient treatment facility. The consequences of a DUI can be severe, so it is important to understand the consequences of being convicted of DUI.


It is vital to recognize the signs of driving under the influence of alcohol, and heed these warnings when possible. Drunken drivers are more likely to make poor decisions and take unnecessary risks, increasing the risk of a crash. In fact, 74.7% of survey participants stated they never or almost never drove while under the influence of alcohol. The study also found that 9.7% of participants admitted to driving while intoxicated.


Drunken drivers, those who are under the influence of drugs, are at greater risk of crashes. The National Roadside Survey (NRS) measures drug presence in drivers. Drug use alone does not necessarily indicate impaired driving, but when combined with alcohol and other drugs, the results are devastating. Despite the risks, drugged drivers continue to increase traffic accidents, increasing the number of deaths and injuries. They also risk the safety of other motorists, which would lead to having to contact a driving under the influence accident lawyer Taylorsville, UT.

Disorderly persons

If you are facing a disorderly persons driving under the influence charge, you have many options. You can seek expungement, which seals a criminal record from public view. Expungement depends on the type of offense, whether it was your first offense or not, and the outcome of the criminal proceedings. Any conviction has consequences far beyond the sentence, which can prevent you from qualifying for a job, housing, professional license, or loan. In addition, a prior conviction can lead to a harsher sentence when a judge judges your new case.

Zero-tolerance laws

New York has implemented zero-tolerance laws for driving under the effect. While underage drinkers make up only a small portion of licensed drivers, they account for over a quarter of fatal DUI accidents. And while underage drivers cause fewer accidents than those who are older, they are still at a high risk of getting into an accident. In addition to the hefty fines, drivers who are under the influence may also be subject to a temporary suspension.


DUI (driving under the influence) penalties vary according to state laws, county, and jurisdiction. In some jurisdictions, the first offense of drunk driving carries a jail term and a higher fine, while others have lighter penalties for such offenses. In Ohio, the first offense of DUI carries a mandatory 72-hour jail sentence, although that component may be waived through alcohol education. In other jurisdictions, the penalties for drunk driving depend on the type of drugs or alcohol consumed.

Avoiding a DUI

Fortunately, there are many ways to avoid getting pulled over for a DUI while driving. Fortunately, the best way to avoid getting pulled over for driving under the influence is to know your rights and the consequences of committing these crimes. In addition to avoiding the possibility of driving under the influence, you should also be aware of the signs of impairment, such as blood alcohol content or the presence of drugs. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when out for a night of social drinking.