What is The Best Age to Learn How to Drive?


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When Should You Start Taking Lessons?

Learning to drive used to been a teenage rite of passage, but a lot of people are leaving it until later in life to learn.

Learning to drive is such an important thing to do, and will help you to gain so much independence. However, there is a little bit of disagreement over when it’s best to start learning. So is there a perfect age to get behind the wheel for the first time? We’re going to take a closer look – and tell you where you can find the best driving instructor Colchester has to offer.

Is there a magic number?

When you ask the question ‘what age should you start learning to drive?’, you’ll be met with a wide range of conflicting opinions. Some people insist that it’s best to get your lessons and test out of the way as soon as you are able to, while others say that a little more time and life experience is beneficial before you start to learn. Depending on who you ask you are either just the right age, too young, or way past it! So let’s take a step back to try and answer that question.


The age at which you can legally start to drive is 17 (or in some special cases, 16). As a result, getting a driving licence has become expected in a person’s late teens, and you’ll find that there’s lots of friendly competitiveness between friends over who can pass first. This leads to most people wanting to pass before they even turn 18 – and the fast reflexes and ability to take in information that comes with youth does make learning at this age easy.


For some people, there are just too many things to worry about when they are teenagers to even think about learning to drive – such as focusing on exams and settling into university. A growing number of people are taking lessons for the first time in their 20’s. A lot of people believe that 25 is the optimum age to learn to drive, as your brain has fully developed but you still have those fast reflexes.

Thirties and beyond

There’s so many misconceptions surrounding learning to drive later in life. A lot of people assume that the cut-off point for getting a driving licence is somewhere in your 20’s, but that’s not true at all. Lots of people in their thirties, forties, fifties and beyond learn to drive without any problems. In fact, older learner drivers are shown to be more rational and less prone to accidents that their younger counterparts.

So, what’s the truth?

The answer to the big question? Well, age has nothing to do with learning to drive successfully. The key is finding a great instructor and starting to learn to drive when you really feel ready. If that’s in your teens, great! In your forties and feeling like you want to get behind the wheel? That’s brilliant! Nayland Driving School teach people of all ages, and will be able to help you ditch your L-plates at any stage of your life.

Don’t wait, book your first lesson!

So, are you itching to get started? Then get in touch with Nayland Driving School today! In no time at all you’ll be setting out with a skilled instructor by your side, ready to pass your test and then enjoy all the freedom driving brings.