5 Essential Accessories That all Caravans Should Possess


Anyone who owns a caravan is often seen boasting off the amenities that it has in there. Quite often, people customise things their way. It is often the essentials that are included where the common ones are a bed, television, refrigerator, etc. While all of these are the essentials set in the family caravans, cramming up a small space with multiple things thinking that it would be of use is a wrong thing to do.

While a lot is always less when it comes to travelling and when there is a home on wheels, there is no looking back. While minimal travelling is something that should be the rule, here are a few accessories that would make your travel easy and smart in the family caravans.

Steps To The Caravan

When you have customised your asset to be another home for yourself, why would you want to jump in and out of the caravan whenever you halt? When everything else is luxurious, why not make it easy for you to step in and out. A detachable pair or steps can always be an asset where you place it whenever you step in and out. It is foldable and can be pushed underneath to save space.

A Toilet Tent

It is an important accessory to own, especially when there are hygiene issues concerned. Using a toilet tent, especially when you are at a dedicate camping ground can be hygienic. You do not have to use public toilets, and you have your own for yourself. It is safe for kids and well as adults. It is something that you wouldn’t regret buying family caravans for sale in NSW.

A First Aid Kit

Even though we have one at home, it doesn’t come to mind when we are travelling. Since a caravan is large enough to accommodate it, you should always have a first aid kit to your rescue. It should contain basics as that of antiseptic, Band-Aids, tapes, bandages and other essential medicines. Everyone travelling along with you should know where it is, and in case of any emergency on the road, you can always make use of it.

Crockery and Cutlery

While you may want to enjoy a good meal while travelling, it can go wrong if you do not have the right crockery or cutlery. You wouldn’t want to carry the heavy ceramic or stainless steel ones from home not pollute the environment with plastic disposables. The safest option is to use melamine ones that are light, trendy and easy to clean. You do not have to worry about it taking up space while being concern about the environment.

A Fire Extinguisher

You never know when a fire accident happens. It could be so that you are in your caravan and cooking a light meal and that is when the fire lights up. It could also be due to petrol or diesel leaks, and things can go out of control. Having a fire extinguisher handy in family caravans allows things to be safe and you do not have to worry about losing a life.