3 Biggest Mistakes People Make with Their Cars

car repair

Despite how much you might think you’re a seasoned driver who steers clear of mistakes, the truth is you may be making more mistakes than you might like to think. Many people are guilty of the same common errors that they often don’t even realize they’re making.

The best way to avoid making them is to identify them before they even have the chance to happen. By building good car habits, you won’t just keep yourself and another drivers safe; you’ll also save a considerable amount of money in the process.

Take a look at some of the biggest mistakes people make with their cars, and what you can do to steer clear. (You see what we did there?)

Not Getting Your Car Regularly Serviced

How many times have you looked at the calendar and thought to yourself, “Its probably time to schedule routine maintenance for my vehicle since it has been exactly six months since the last one.” If you’re like most people, chances are that you probably don’t know exactly the last time that your car went into the mechanic.

It’s important that you stay on top of how many times a year you take your car in to be serviced. Rather than waiting until something goes wrong to bring your car in, it’s important to take it in to prevent problems from happening. Your car breaking down suddenly could lead to having to get your car towed, or even being stranded in the middle of nowhere. It’s not ideal anyway you look at it.

From oil changes to filter changes, a lot of preventative measures can save you a huge headache in the long run.

Not Checking Tire Pressure

A lot of people make the mistake of assuming their tires are fine unless it’s flat. However, your tire doesn’t have to be flat for it to cause a problem. If your tires are lacking air, it could lead to serious injury and costly repairs. Not only are you putting yourself at risk when you drive with inadequate tires, but you’re also putting other drivers on the road at risk.

It’s good to get into the habit of checking your tires regularly and asking your mechanic to do so as well.

Ignoring Check Engine Light

Be honest with yourself. How many times have you seen the check engine light go on only to dismiss it as “probably no big deal.” Your vehicle’s check engine light is there to let you know anytime there is an issue that needs to be handled. Rather than putting it off until your car is broken down completely, take your car in as soon as possible to the mechanic to identify why your check engine light is on.