Common Types of Auto Collision Damage

Auto Collision

An auto collision can leave you with a car that’s scratched, dented, and basically in need of professional care. At an auto body repair shop, you’ll probably talk to a mechanic who will inspect and evaluate the extent of damage to the body of your vehicle. The results of every collision are different, but there are some common types of damage that technicians see over and over again.


If you live in an area with extreme heat, lots of sun, extreme cold, and/or icy conditions, you may need weather damage repair on a regular basis. Too much moisture can expose your vehicle to the risk of rust and too much sun will damage your paint. The good news is that your consistent care can keep the cost of these repairs down.

Dings and Dents

Even a drive around the neighborhood could expose your car to little dents and blemishes. Body shop repair technicians often use a paintless dent repair with specialized tools to correct those dents from the interior of the paneling.

Severe Paint Scratches

Maybe you were sideswiped in a crowded parking lot or drove too close to a cement barrier. Either way, these repairs probably require a couple of steps, including repainting. Fortunately, the technicians at a local auto body repair Denver co shop have probably completed this work several times and should deliver great results.

Bent and Twisted Frames

Your front and back bumper prevent damage to your car in low-speed collisions, so when they’re damaged, it’s important to get them fixed. However, there are times when the bumpers just were enough protection. When this happens, technicians may need to use computerized systems to satisfy precision alignment requirements.

Cracked Windshields

A tiny pebble moving at high velocities can cause a tiny crack that you don’t know is there until the right conditions cause that little nick to spread across the windshield. Depending on the size of the damage, auto body repair technicians may be able to repair the dent without replacing the entire window.

When your car, truck, or motorcycle has been damaged in a collision, auto body mechanics can correct much, if not all, of the damage. In some cases, your vehicle will look as good as new – even if it wasn’t new when you took it in!